It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.

Eugene Ionesco

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is it for?

    Short answer: everyone!

    When you work with me, it’s your story and your interpretation that’s important. Categories like age, gender or whatever have no relevance.

    I’m all about achieving results. If I for some reason don’t believe I can help you, I will let you know.

  • Hypnosis? Will you make me cluck like a chicken?

    Hypnosis is a natural state which feels like deep relaxation. You will be alert and aware of what’s happening. Everything we do is on your terms. Even if I tried I couldn’t force you to do anything against your will, because your subconscious would simply reject it.

  • Can it be done online?

    Yes, absolutely.

    It continues to amaze me how easy it is to connect trough Zoom. Compared to in person sessions it even has an advantage: You are in the comfort of your own space. I recommend setting yourself up in a comfortable chair in a place where you won’t be disturbed during the session.

  • What can I expect after the session?

    Immediately after the session you can expect to have some kind of emotional release. How this shows up is highly individual. The important point is to be gentle with yourself, and set aside time for self care.

    The way we experience change is very individual. Some people experience immediate change, others have a more gradual experience and some only notice changes when looking back in retrospect.

  • How does it work?

    In order to achieve freedom from whatever is holding you back you need to access the underlying belief. The easiest way to get this access is to silence the critical, chattering mind which is always questioning everything. Hypnosis does exactly this. Hypnosis also makes it easier to accept new and better beliefs. It’s all about getting the critical mind out of the way for direct access to find unwanted programs, delete them and install new and better programs.

  • How many sessions do I need?

    For most cases, we aim for 1 session being sufficient. Yes, RTT is that effective. However, in some cases there may be more than one root to the problem. In these cases, having 2 or 3 sessions is recommended.

    I will let you know early on if I believe we need 2, or maybe 3 sessions, to resolve the issue.

Still got questions?